Bumps On Back Of Head After Haircut Best Haircut 2020
Bumps On Back Of Head After Haircut Best Haircut 2020 from bastardcorner.blogspot.com

What Are Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut?

Bumps on the back of head after a haircut are small, raised bumps that appear after the hair is cut. They can be either red or white in color and can be itchy and sore. The bumps are caused by a number of different factors, including the type of razor used for the haircut, the technique of the barber or stylist, and even the hair products used on the scalp. Bumps on the back of the head after a haircut can be prevented by using the right razor, using the proper technique, and using the right products.

What Causes Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut?

One of the most common causes of bumps on the back of the head after a haircut is the type of razor used. If a straight razor is used, it can cause small cuts on the scalp that can lead to the formation of bumps. Another cause is the technique of the barber or stylist. If the razor is not held at the correct angle and the hair is not cut in a straight line, it can cause bumps. Finally, if the wrong type of hair products are used on the scalp, it can cause bumps to form.

How to Treat Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut?

The best way to treat bumps on the back of the head after a haircut is to use a medicated shampoo or lotion. These products are designed to reduce inflammation and reduce the size of the bumps. If the bumps are particularly itchy and uncomfortable, an over-the-counter anti-itch cream can be used to provide relief. If the bumps become infected, a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection.

How to Prevent Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut?

The best way to prevent bumps on the back of the head after a haircut is to make sure that the right razor is used. Disposable razors are not suitable for cutting hair, as they can cause small cuts on the scalp. Instead, a straight razor should be used, as it will provide a cleaner, smoother cut. Additionally, the technique of the barber or stylist should be monitored to ensure that the hair is cut in a straight line. Finally, the right type of hair products should be used on the scalp to reduce the risk of bumps forming.

When to See a Doctor?

If the bumps on the back of the head after a haircut become infected, a doctor should be consulted. Infections can cause the bumps to become red, swollen, and painful. In some cases, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. Additionally, if the bumps do not respond to over-the-counter treatments, a doctor should be consulted.


Bumps on the back of head after a haircut can be caused by a variety of factors, including the type of razor used and the technique of the barber or stylist. The best way to treat these bumps is to use a medicated shampoo or lotion and an over-the-counter anti-itch cream. To prevent these bumps, the right razor should be used and the technique of the barber or stylist should be monitored. Additionally, the right type of hair products should be used on the scalp. If the bumps become infected, a doctor should be consulted.