Unlocking The Mystery Of Lucille Ball's Iconic Hairstyle
22+ Lucille Ball Hairstyle Hairstyle Catalog from pratiksacak.net

Lucille Ball was one of the most iconic actresses of the 20th century. She was best known for her role in the classic sitcom I Love Lucy, but her unique style and classic beauty made her a timeless icon. One of the most recognizable aspects of her look was her hairstyle, which made her look glamorous and timeless. But what was the hairstyle that Lucille Ball popularized?

The hairstyle that Lucille Ball popularized was known as the “pageboy” haircut. This hairstyle was characterized by its short, straight, and cropped look. It was usually cut to the same length, usually just above the shoulders. The hair was typically parted in the middle, and the ends were usually curled inward. This hairstyle was popularized by Ball in the mid-1950s, and it quickly became a trend among women of all ages.

How the Pageboy Hairstyle Became Popularized

As mentioned, Lucille Ball popularized the pageboy hairstyle in the mid-1950s. Her hairstyle was first seen on the set of I Love Lucy and quickly became a trend. Ball’s hairstyle was seen as glamorous and modern, which made it an attractive style for women of all ages. As the show gained in popularity, so did the hairstyle, and it quickly became a popular choice for women of all ages.

The pageboy hairstyle also gained in popularity due to the influence of the fashion industry. During this time, fashion magazines and advertisements began to feature models and celebrities wearing the hairstyle. This helped to further popularize the look, and it soon became a sought-after style. As the hairstyle gained in popularity, it also became an iconic look associated with Lucille Ball.

How to Get the Look

If you are looking to get the classic Lucille Ball look, then you need to find a hairstylist who can give you the pageboy hairstyle. This hairstyle is quite easy to achieve, and it is a great look for those who want to look stylish and timeless. To get the look, you will need to have your hair cut to the same length, usually just above the shoulders. Your hairdresser will then need to part your hair in the middle and curl the ends inward. This is a simple yet effective hairstyle, and it is perfect for those who want to look glamorous and timeless.

How to Maintain the Look

Once you have achieved the pageboy hairstyle, you need to make sure that you maintain it properly. To keep your hair looking its best, you should use the right products and techniques. You should use a quality shampoo and conditioner, and you should use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair. You should also use a heat protectant spray to protect your hair from heat styling tools. Additionally, you should get regular trims to ensure that your hair stays at the same length.


Lucille Ball’s pageboy hairstyle is an iconic look that remains popular to this day. This hairstyle is timeless and glamorous, and it is easy to achieve. To get the look, you need to have your hair cut to the same length, part it in the middle, and curl the ends inward. Additionally, you need to use the right products and techniques to maintain the look. With the right care and styling, you can achieve the timeless look of Lucille Ball’s hairstyle.